Pocketful of Star Bits

08:04 Posted by Luis Rodrigues

The universe is full of sparkling Star Bits. Mario must collect as many of these as
possible, as they are paramount to helping restore peace to the cosmos and rescuing
Princess Peach. Star Bits are located everywhere—dangling in space, inside ?
Blocks, and released by defeated enemies. Mario has many uses for these Star Bits.
He can fi re them at enemies to stun them, feed hungry Lumas, and even earn extra
lives for every 50 he collects.

When you point the Wii Remote at
your television, you will see a little blue
star. That’s your cursor. Move it around
by pointing at different places on the
screen. The cursor shows where you will
shoot a Star Bit if you press 4. Try
shooting a Star Bit at a small enemy,
such as a Goomba. This rattles the
Goomba. While the Goomba is stunned, Mario just needs to run at it. When Mario
touches it, he kicks it off the planet, releasing more Star Bits. Use these to keep
baddies at bay, making sure Mario never gets completely surrounded.

You can also use the cursor to collect
Star Bits. Mario can pick them up by
touching them, but it’s much easier
to just sweep the cursor over themtouching
a Star Bit with the cursor
automatically picks it up. The Star Bit
crosses the cosmos, so no matter how

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